0434 635 914 info@alfatech.net.au

Cloud Services

Are you ready to move to the Cloud yet? We are ready to migrate you and make your business far more efficient

 Cloud computing in simple terms, is the delivery of computing services – including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, etc. over the Internet ( a.k.a. “The Cloud” ). It offers benefits like quicker changes, automatic updates, lower operating costs, flexible resources, and economies of scale.



How can you use the cloud?

Most common applications which your organisation can use are Microsoft Office (Office 365), Adobe Creative Cloud (earlier called Adobe Creative Suite) and Cloud Exchange (Email) services. 

We can also assist in enhancing your Office 365 or G Suite usage by creating your corporate unified branded email signature using Exclaimer Cloud. 

You could host server and network infrastructure using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services

We can assist you in implementing and managing a range of Cloud based IaaS and SaaS technologies.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft 365

Office 365

Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Solutions

Adobe Creative Cloud

Exclaimer Cloud - signatures for Office 365

Exclaimer Cloud - signatures for G Suite